Tuesday, September 13, 2016


SBI is going to consolidate by merging with  other PSU banks to make a larger entity. This will create a giant in Indian banking system while the smaller banks' operating efficiency will be increased manifold. The bigger entity will have huge financial prowess, increased geographical presence, a ocean of skilled bankers with a negotiating power a level above. 

This process can be replicated in global geo-politics. In Asia, we can have two power centers India and China after merger of the countries free to choose their power side. For example, Afghanistan, Srilanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan may consider to merge with Indian side whereas South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan etc. may consider to join China side with a common Central government on each side. Each power center should sign a 5-10 year treaty among its member countries to be within the selected side for massive progress. The power center should act like a sovereign country with common Central bank, free trade across borders including ocean, central defense system, pro-active democracy, centralized education and research system etc. I know there are huge challenge in maintaining different flowers in a single garland. But, if it is success, it will massively upgrade the quality of common people's life of each power center with increased negotiating power in the global trade.

This is a step ahead of the present entities like European union, ASEAN etc. which are formed to make the regional systems more efficient. 

This practice can be replicated in other continents after testing a initial success.