Time is very bad & might get worst. US top trading zones(NASDAQ, Dow-Jones, S&P 500) are not showing any light of hope to the global trade. Even the oil cartel OPEC is formulating how to regulate the supply & demand of oil in the global market & the effect will be transmitted to pockets of common men .
The top campuses of Indian B Schools are struggling to provide quality placements to all the students, even some colleges are not able to attract top companies for summer internship. As the slowdown enabled the HR managers to stay away from these campuses, the lesser demand in quality jobs is a boon to the small & medium enterprises(SM Es). The biz freshers have no option in hand rather than joining those companies. So the less effective Indian SM Es have got the opportunity to attract top talents & leverage the slowdown effect.
It is seemed that this slowdown will be continued for few years & the SM Es will get enough time & resources to turn around till the next boom comes. I hope that the next generation Indian MICROSOFT ,GOOGLE, CISCO, GM,3M will emerge from today's so called SM Es & will drive India to become world's supreme biz hub.
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